The Story of 123 Clarendon Road

Did you know that the illustrious building that now houses Casa Cruz London on Clarendon Road carries a legacy that dates back to approximately 1869? Once serving as a bustling public house known as The Britannia, remnants of its past can still be admired in the stone-carved rooftop inscription bearing its original name. Architecturally, the exterior proudly retains much of its original allure, boasting tall, dual-aspect window cornices and well-preserved surrounds on the upper floors. These were miraculously spared during the ravages of World War II. Unfortunately, neighbouring sections of this historically significant London street were not as fortunate in preserving their heritage.

This now leafy, charming and inviting area of London's Notting Hill can be traced back to the 1840s, a pivotal period marked by significant development that defined the Victorian era. It was during these early Victorian years that Clarendon Road was built. Prior to this transformative phase, the surrounding land was predominantly countryside, making the history of this corner of Notting Hill all the more captivating


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The chicest roof terrace in London